The Bard's Tale 4 Hints at – A role-playing game that deserves more attention


  The Bard's Tale 4 can become a real insider tip The Bard's Tale 4 can become a real insider tip

In our RPG rankings, two of the top three rankings are Oldschool RPGs. Pillars of Eternity 2 is in the direct tradition of Baldur's Gate, our current leader Divinity: Original Sin 2 breathing the clbadics of the Vibe genre. So you can say: Oldschool is in fashion . But even for the seasoned fans of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, The Bard's 1985 Tale should be a good old shag "oldschooler".

In the dungeon dungeon of the yesteryear, a group of heroes and heroines saved the city of Skara Brae, This enterprise was as uncomfortable as the PC games of that time Those who wanted to save had to return to the adventurers' guild. Sometimes you have lost three hours of progress with a stupid mistake.

If you wanted to level up, you went to a special place that you had to get rid of, of course. And that we hope on a self-portrait cards (Karopapier!) Had scored. The Bard & # 39; s Tale is from today 's point of view a difficult piece, with which young players will probably never be in touch.

Too bad, because games like The Bard's Tale have laid the foundation for modern role-playing games. And with The Bard's Tale 4: Barrows Deep, the clbadic gets even an official sequel in September 2018. We played a multi-hour demo with the developers and note: Those who do not want to return in 1985 could find a really cool alternative that plays quite unique.

Heroes on the gallows

Let's face it: The Bard's Tale 4, like Legend of Grimrock, will be more of a niche game. The Dungeon crawlers from an Ego point of view almost in principle feel larger than the AAA gloss of a The Witcher 3. But that's all, that's why developer inXile is also funded by crowdfunding: to serve exactly the niche, which is still desired a very clbadic role-playing robot dungeon.

  In the upper town of Skara Brae you quickly lose your head. Therefore, we are fleeing to the lower city. In the upper town of Skara Brae, you quickly lose your head. That's why we are fleeing to the Undercity.

That's why the team does not hesitate to create Bead's Tale 4 as a direct successor of to The Bard's Tale 3 30 years. In the game, it's back in the magical city of Skara Brae. But not to scare newcomers, there is a jump in time over 100 years. You do not have to play the predecessors, but as a veteran you will find lots of reminiscences. Thus, the lower city of Skara Brae was developed in part 4 on the basis of the city's plans of the time.

The story begins with a pretty gimmick: In the opening sequence, you can see the faces of a heroic gang. The gallows dies . In Skara Brae, the order of the Father's activists takes control, chasing strangers of all races and executing them with fanatical zeal.

Our hero tries to escape underground Barrows, the central center of the Bard's Tale 4 The goal joins the quest book of high fantasy claims: to overthrow the evil regime, to discover the secrets that subdue it. Tense, battle dungeons, level heroes and gain a powerful loot on the way to their destination

If you wish, you can use ready-made characters and fully defined in The Bard & # 39; Of course, the real Pen & Paper veterans are doing their own troupe. Several characters can travel together in the world, but you can save more avatars on the spare to customize the composition of the team according to your challenge.

  The turn-based combat system is very fast and dynamic. The turn-based combat system is very fast and dynamic. </span>
<p>  In the Character Editor <strong> you choose from four archetypes: Warrior, Bard, Rogue and Wizard (we roughly translate the English demo names here). Four clbades make little sense at first, but inXile developer deliberately chooses this reduced base </p>
<p>  We do not want to offer countless levels of skills and clbades that ultimately differ only marginally. Instead of unlockable bonuses such as "+2 Magic Damage", upgrades like <strong> Powerful Tools </strong> should really give the impression of being expanding the fight. For example, we teach our Bard to use the drum to invoke a burning circle around us, where the attackers shake themselves (we will soon get to the combat system). </p>
<p>  This does not mean that there is no variety in the skill tree. Each archetype can then split into three subclbades, activating dozens of skills – it's a full-fledged role-playing game, but with a focus on direct playability <strong> </strong> </p>
<p clbad=   The Bard & # 39; Tale 4 is not the largest Skilltree in the world, for which unique reevaluations should be felt ... uh ... wertig The Bard's Tale 4 did not the largest tree of skills in the world, but for individual re-evaluations … hum … feeling good. 19659003] Incidentally, the freely created characters are entirely set to music . Selectable nations resemble punk revisions of clbadic fantasy stereotypes: Dwarves do not have long beards, but bodies of stone. Elves look like a mix of High Elves and Romulans.

The break with the clbadical

Unlike (or Legend of Grimrock), we do not explore the world by moving the character on an invisible grid. Instead, we control the camera and the movements as in a first-person shooter completely free. The world is much bigger than in the clbadics, you are traveling in addition to foreign cities, lands and dungeons of Skara Brae, in general you should for the campaign a little less than 30 hours need. the movement based on the grid and turn, but do not worry: all the other features of a good crawler are preserved. In the Barrows of Skara Brae, behind each alley, there are secrets to discover hidden treasures, puzzles and side tasks. In the main quest, the level of difficulty should be scaled to not lose the mind on riddles and monsters – but those who are off the beaten track will find real peanuts . riddles, monsters and treasures remain intact "data-img-format =" 204 "data-img-id =" 6036935 "clbad =" responsive mb-0 "src =" /204/the-bards-tale-4_6036935.jpg"/> The clbadic dungeon formula of puzzles, monsters and treasures remains intact

And here is the great charm of The Bard's Tale who takes place during our gaming session. 4. Dungeon Crawlers works more skillfully than other subgenres with a surprisingly detailed level environment, which thinks less in grand panoramas and more in interactive and thrilling scenes.

After a while, you unlock abbreviations and learn the area to the last.Learn the corner, absorb stories and NPCs.In terms of level design, the demo can really shine. Biggest Point of The Bard's Tale 4 Is The Fighting System

Frisierte Lundenkämpfe

The Co turn-based mbats are reminiscent of ancient times. The opponents grow up in the middle of the screen, their own stretchers are spread in a formation at the bottom of the screen – we look over their shoulders. The position is often decisive for the battle: the shooters stand in the back row, our melee fighters strike on the front

The trick: In The Bard's Tale 4 the heroes do not move in a fixed order, but draw from a pool of shares that you can freely distribute. The recalls Magic: The Gathering and allows quite cool combinations because the characters can play the balls multiple times in a round

  The Bard's Tale 4 features clbadics and clbadic characters from high fantasy. The Bard's Tale 4 features clbadic high fantasy clbades and characters, but varies the look in interesting ways.

The warrior bleeds the enemy with an attack, the bard then protects the warrior with a magic shield, moving the two pieces out of range, so that the bleeding enemy must move, but the movement causes bleeding damage. And we feel like a tactical genius.

No Bulky Remedies to the Past

While playing, the fight is somewhat reminiscent of the flow of Hearthstone . We understand basic mechanics incredibly fast, in quick combinations of effects, moves and magic together – but also recognizes that much more complex synergies are possible here.

With his vivid battles, free exploration, the modern look 4 so quite like a game of the present. The optical cooks technically smaller rolls, but adds a harmonious style design.

He breathes the spirit, the forces of that era, but is not a bulky remedy in the past, but a revival that wants to entertain the old and young fans of games of role. Our first impression was rather positive, so in September a little niche surprise could await us.

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