The first coaching of Lucien Favre at the BVB took place without football – Bundesliga season 2017/18


As the last Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund started with new coach Lucien Favre (60) on Saturday in preparation. A Swiss player will probably not meet the Swiss in person

Andriy Yarmolenko, 28, is already free to look for a new club. The outside striker must negotiate with the East Ham West Ham United club.

The Ukrainian came from Dynamo Kiev in 2017, which cost him 25 million euros.

Yarmolenko started strong in his first and probably last season in the Bundesliga. Two goals and four badists in the first eight games

In the second half of the season, he became a subject of concern. Becoming a permanent patient because of a foot injury, played weak. 133 minutes of use, only one goal scored.

Yarmolenko is the top scorer and victim of the new Marius Wolf signature (for 5 million Frankfurt). After Sokratis (for Arsenal 20 million) and Castro (for 5 million in Stuttgart) it would be the third exit

How did the first day of Favre practice? With a lactate test in four groups. Only Julian Weigl is missing because of inguinal problems.

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picture: picture alliance / Guido Kirchne

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BVB striker Andriy Yarmolenko (28) played in Dortmund photo: picture alliance / Guido Kirchne

A 10.21 Favre appears for the first time in BVB outfit with his co trainers Manfred Stefes (51) and Edin Terzic (49).

At 11:03 Sebastian Kehl (38) also appears in his new role as Head of the Licensing Players Division.

11:11: Favre welcomes the second occupational group. Remarkable: The coach is always looking for an individual interview with his players – especially with 30 million access Abdou Diallo (22 / Mainz) and Marius Wolf (23).

12:51: Shortly after the third group is the Swiss through the mountains, with his co-trainers scamps back to the training center in Brackel, where for the rest kicker after lunch force movement test pending.

16 clock: The last group finished under the supervision of Favre Day 1 Performance Diagnostics

From today, Favre is in the football in Dortmund

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