The Fortnite card breaks! Here are the last cracks in the world!


Fortnite seems to break the map. Every day new cracks appear and destroy parts of the map. Here, you see, where new cracks emerge and what is already broken.

What are the cracks? On June 30, 2018, the "visitor" launched a rocket, then the world of Fortnite durably damaged. There was first a huge crack in the sky. It was enlarged and continues to branch out

Cracks in the sky and on the ground: Then, suddenly, there were other cracks that appeared in the middle of the game world There, they systematically destroy the markers of specific places. And there is more and more each day


Still in the & image on the new cracks: So here we have a map and a description of the fault sites. So, you can always keep abad of the evolution of the map.

Here you can find all the cracks of the game – With map

Map of all the cracks on the map: Up to now, we have a map with the current localities, where recent anomalies have just appeared. The map comes from the Fortnite Player and Card Enthusiast TheSquatingDog .

  Map of Fortnite-Crack

Except for Rift # 5 and # 6 in Greasy Grove, all locations can be seen here. Source: TheSquatingDog

In the following paragraphs you will find more information about the locations of known cracks

Rift # 1 – The Sign in Lonely Lodge

On July 1, the day after the launch of the rocket, a first new dive crack in the great room of Lonely Lodge. There was a twinkle for a moment, then suddenly a crack appeared, sucking the sign saying "Lonely Lodge".


Rip # 2 – The Sign At The Motel

The Second Riss Will Appear On July 2, 2018 At The Sign Of The Motel north of the map. Again, a flicker was briefly seen. Shortly after, the sign of the motel was gone.

  Fortnite motel cleft crack

Source: FortniteInsider

Tear # 3 – The tomato head in Tomato Town

The most visible victim of tears in this day was recorded on July 3rd. The famous tomato head of Tomato Town was suddenly swallowed by the crack.


The tomato head just before its end.

Tear # 4 – The "Names" sign on the retail row

On July 4, the cracks continue as usual The work of destruction has continued. This time he caught another shield: the nameplate of the grocery "Names" in Retail Row.


The crack was right there.

Rift # 5 – The "Durr Burger" Sign by Greasy Grove

The cracks seem to be out for signs. And more about the signs that have to do with food. Because on July 5, a crack appeared on the sign of the fast food restaurant "Durr-Burger" in Greasy Grove.


Soon the burger is gone!

Crack # 6 – Mountains behind Greasy Grove

The sixth crack appeared on July 6 and for the first time something changed. Because on the mountain behind Greasy Grove is not all that could destroy the crack. As a result, some players suspect that he spits something out instead. We know best when the crack is fully developed.


Here are just cracked.

What's behind the cracks?

Will the world collapse? Cracks appear to be centered on landmarks and signs. The cracks have not really been relevant to the game so far, as it has almost only grabbed place name badges. However, the world seems to be breaking more and more.

Theorems: Cracks currently occupy the Fortnite community:

  • Many players suspect that a new map will be launched in Season 5.
  • Other Fans Again, Do You Expect at the clarity of the trip on July 12 "width =" 1920 "height =" 1080 "data-lazy-srcset =" 1920w,×84.jpg 150w,×169.jpg 300w,×432.jpg 768w,×576 .jpg 1024w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px "/>? What exactly happens at the end, we will probably only learn the beginning of Season 5 on July 12th 2018. By then, we will update this article regularly and add new cracks.

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