The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is imminent – outer space


Himmelsgucker is expected to mark Friday in the next red week in the paper: Then the evening sky over Germany to see the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. The full moon will plunge completely into the shadow of the Earth for nearly two hours before midnight and turn coppery red, as announced Friday the German Aerospace Center

Eclipses are the result of the celestial game sun, moon and earth. In a lunar eclipse, the earth stands on a straight line between the sun and the moon – so the full moon plunges into the shadows that the sunlit earth throws into space.

In the south and east of Germany

The most favorable observing conditions for the imminent record eclipse prevail in the south and east of l & # 39; Germany. South, because the moon reaches a maximum of 16 degrees above the horizon until the end of the total eclipse, to the east because it's # 39; pupil earlier and darkness is more complete.

A total of 103 minutes becomes the celestial event take. It will not be until June 9, 2123, according to the DLR, that there will be a lunar eclipse of three minutes. And only the New Year 2028, a lunar eclipse, similar to now, will be seen in full swing in Central Europe.

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