The opponents of Erdogan Ünsal Arik nailed against Mesut Özil – Football


Mesut Özils (29 years old) The resignation of the national team was a blow to German-Turkish professional boxer Ünsal Arik (38).

Erdogan's fierce opponent, although he's boxing for Turkey, expects the 2014 World Champion in an "FAZ" interview to last: "I'm sad that He took the initiative and the DFB not before him expelled. "

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Photo: Anadolu Anadolu Agency

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The photo with Recep Tayyip Erdogan shortly before the World Cup has earned a lot of criticism Mesut Özil Photo: Anadolu Anadolu Agency

Arik explains his sharp criticism: "Because Özil n & n Did not live up to his role as a model.He politically put himself on the side of a dictator and supported him in the election campaign. "

Özil justified in his statement the controversial photo with the Turkish president shortly before the World Cup: "I understand that this can be difficult to understand In some cultures, a political leader can not be considered as separate from the person. case, it's different. "

Arik can only shake his head:" I did not hear a stupid statement.That would mean that the president can do anything, imprison innocent people, wage wars and I still have to support him? "

For the boxer, who risks to be imprisoned in Turkey for an alleged threat to Erdogan, a planned election campaign, All that Özil is doing at the moment is political. His recommendation to the Arsenal professional: Özil should look for what Erdogan was responsible for, then explain why he loves him so much

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