The pressure on DFB boss Reinhard Grindel increases


Resignation of Özil :
The boss of the DFB Grindel increasingly under pressure

  Resignation of Mesut Özil: the pressure on the boss of the DFB Reinhard Grindel develops

Reinhard Grindel, director of the DFB (archives).
Photo: dpa / Andreas Arnold

Berlin The support of the boss of the DFB Grindel in the case of Mesut Özil is down. Erdogan accuses Germany of intolerance. Politicians demand de-escalation.

Green leader Robert Habeck has made Seehofer co-head of the alienation of many German Turks in Germany. The minister said that Islam does not belong to Germany. "The signal sent to people with different roots is fatal because they feel exactly how they are increasingly marginalized and stigmatized in our country," said our editors Habeck. The debate on Özil must now move. Equality before the law guaranteed by the Constitution does not mean egalitarianism, but rather the recognition of differences. The legitimate request for integration did not mean any request for submission.

Erdogan has meanwhile telephoned Özil. According to the official Anadolu news agency, Erdogan told Turkish reporters that Özil, as a young man from the German national team, "gave it all" and contributed to their success . Germany does not support the fact that the Turkish president was photographed with Turkish footballers.

The photo, which included national player Ilkay Gündogan and was filmed before the elections in Turkey, triggered the scandal. During Özil was mainly blamed for the World Cup of the German team in the preliminary round. Özil threw the officials of the DFB then racism and resigned from the national team.

The chairman of the Bundestag Sports Committee, Dagmar Freitag (SPD), campaigned for de-escalation. But Özil had to move. He had not "found a word today about social events in Turkey". The crisis management and communication of the DFB was not really successful. Friday: "If Reinhard Grindel can remain in office as president of the DFB is a question that he must certainly ask.In the end, it is the bodies of the DFB that must decide this issue. 19659012] Eberhard Gienger, CDU sports expert, severely criticizes Özil's adviser: "He must not do everything alone as a footballer, but he must be able to count on his advisers." Özil says he is apolitical and wants to play football. "So, it was neither a wise decision to be photographed with the Turkish president before the elections in Turkey, nor the DFB in a politically written resignation that racism accuses." Özil is for a good integration policy in Germany. "It would be important for players to keep that together." Grindel and Özil, but also coach Joachim Löw and manager Oliver Bierhoff should meet quickly for a discussion.

11 pictures
This is how migrants and people of Turkish origin react in NRW

Photography: dpa / Ina Fbadbender

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