The story of Division 2 is to put the survivors in the center


  Division 2 wants to take care of survivors of a viral plague Division 2 wants to take care of survivors of a viral plague.

That the history of Division 1 does not live up to its thrilling context, should be no news 3 years after the release. And that the successor The Division 2 wants to do everything better according to the developers, months of sounds before the release, of course, first after a marketing promise. In an interview with Gamingbolt, Creative Director Mbadive Chadi El-Zibaoui now reveals at least some details:

"In fact, the story focuses heavily on the survivors as they adapted and organized within seven months of the first In particular, people join forces, arming, daring to rebuild rather than abandoning to their fate. "

Clbadify: Division 2 plays seven months after its predecessor, transfers events from New York to Washington and accompanies the agents of the Division trying to restore contact with their own headquarters. In the predecessor, the story was mainly told by audio diaries and some secondary characters who regularly commented on the event by radio contact.

Up to now, we have seen virtually nothing of the successor's story. The trailers show no character, in our Anspiel impressions there was pure gameplay without a lot of context. The focus on a more robust campaign than that of its predecessor is therefore above all a promise. In any case, we recommend the affine-story players to wait for the release of the test on March 15, 2019. But hey, maybe the bill will work.

Division 2: All about the beta, the publication and the first conclusions

  Division 2 alluded to - Video: The Hard Fight Against Destiny & Anthem


Division 2 Alluded to – Video: The Fierce Struggle Against Fate and the Anthem

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