The unique event begins at Fortnite – How are you today?


Today, at 7:00 pm, Central Time, the big and unique event in the Fortnite game begins around the Space Cube and the Flying Island. The cube will probably break. We will explain what you need to know to see the moment of the show.

When is the event? The event at Fortnite is at 19:00 CET our time. It's 18h UTC. Epic has confirmed that again.

That's the special thing: The event will only take place once and will probably only take a few minutes. If you miss it, you just miss it.

Here's how you see the event

What's going on there? It looks like the cube bursts. He already has cracks and is probably about to be destroyed.

During the last major ingame event, the launch of the rocket, an event began at 19:00, which could be followed in the game and lasted a few minutes. You can expect something like this for tonight.


Where should we continue the event? He will probably play around Lake Loot around.

Players must be careful to be in a match at 7pm to see the live event.

It is also possible to track the event via one of the many streams of Content Creator. We will report here on MeinMMO.

Here is about the ninja twitch chain:

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAAAIBRAA7" clbad = "hidden lazy" data-lazy-type = "iframe" data-lazy-src = ""alt =" "/>

The dice ensure the disappearance of the playground

This has changed in the playlist: At the moment, Fortnite's Playground mode is off. It's an Epic service because the players would have missed the event in the playground – so you have completely removed the playground.

Epic indicates that the cube has picked up the playlist. For the moment, only the following game modes are active in Fortnite:

  • Solo nightmares
  • Duo nightmares
  • Brigade Nightmares
  • And a duet training tournament
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Source: Fortnite-Intel

This happens at 19:00: At 7 pm, the Halloween party "Nightmares" ends: players have to take up the special challenges to get their reward.

The story of Fortnite


That's what the cube is about: The cube is part of Fortnite's great narrative arc, which began in season 3 and has continued to grow ever since. We have already described in detail the exact unfolding of the story in Fortnite here.

This is the short version:

  • In Season 3, a meteorite appeared on the Fortnite map that hit the end of the season.
  • In season 4, the comet has become an alien, a visitor. He fired a rocket that fired into Fortnite's sky. For the same purpose, something has fallen out of space.
  • In season 5, cracks broke out on the world of Fortnite. A fireworks fire conjured a space dice, which then crossed the map and drew runes on the ground. Eventually, the cube fell into Loot Lake.


  • In season 6, a flying island rose with the Loot Lake Cube, which subsequently corrupted areas. In the end, the island broke for the start of Halloween and launched the dice and "dice monsters" that caused problems. Now the cube has cracked and seems to be in front of the burst.

This happened last: Yesterday, the dice had cracks. Part of the cube has liquefied and drips into the "loot lake" (via twitter).

The break will likely be the "punctual" event that will take place tonight at 19:00 for a few minutes.

It's happened:

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