They dance and photos of Google dance with – Multimedia


"With Move Mirror, we show how computer vision techniques, such as poses detection, can be made available to anyone with a computer and a webcam," he writes on his own blog.


Do you love to dance?

Digital Telegram 2018

The fun experiment allows users to dance in front of the webcam and compare their movements in real time with a database. Tens of thousands of photos are then selected that correspond to their own movement. How it works well, you can see in the video above.

If you're worried that Google will store images captured by the webcam, there is a clear picture. The company ensures that recordings are neither archived nor sent to a server, since the entire recognition of the poses is calculated directly in the browser.

Do you have some good deeds yourself? Then go to the Move Mirror page (only possible on a PC with webcam) and create your own GIF.

And here is the explanatory video of Google on the Move Mirror experience. (Video: YouTube / ExperimentswithGoogle)

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