This is how the folding mechanism could work ⊂ · ⊃


In the spring of 2019, Samsung would present its first collapsible smartphone to the public with the Galaxy X. It is still unclear what the device will look like – even the rumor has not yet provided any information. clear information here, but a new Samsung patent shows a design that we already know about other patents.

The patent was just beginning granted on July 5, 2018, reports PhoneArena. The images show a smartphone that recalls the current look of the Galaxy Note series. In the middle it is according to the foldable drawing, so that the upper and lower ends can be placed one on the other. Samsung seems to think that users can even fold the smartphone a bit. This can be useful when you call.

Two screens for the Galaxy X?

The smartphone screen described in the patent should consist of two panels. If the device is bent to some extent, the bottom half of the screen can probably be turned off. To control this, a sensor must be used to know if and how much the device is bent. Another sensor probably determines how much a user touches the bottom half of the device. If it is not touched, the alleged Galaxy X should return to its original position.

In the upper part of the screen, the smartphone should display the relevant information for the user in standby mode. In general, it is possible to use the two integrated panels independently – or as a large screen. To activate the touch input, a pressure on the back of the device is required. The extended pressure should then activate the lower half of the screen.

The functions described do not seem really practical yet. As it is a patent, it is not sure that the Galaxy X will really be like that. However, we have seen patents that describe a foldable Galaxy Note template. Maybe the Galaxy X is really not a kind of tablet that can be folded up to the size of a smartphone.

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