Thomas reaches the peak of his career – sports



Thomas reaches the peak of his career

The Briton dethrones the winner of the Froome series and celebrates his triumph at the Tour de France

Espelette. It is there that Geraint Thomas has always warned that "everything but what happens". After about 18 kilometers of individual time trial, the Welsh slipped into a curve on the wet asphalt. The wheel made a gap, Thomas's hands tightened on the handlebars of the time trial. The wheel is stabilized.

Geraint Thomas, a frenzied cosmonaut on his aerodynamic road bike, continued his journey to his first overall victory in the Tour de France. "My sports director said I should not drive so fast through the turns, I tried to stop thinking about it and keep going," recalls the 32-year-old. After 13 more kilometers, he arrived at Espelette near the Spanish border. Finally, his wife Sara Elen Thomas was allowed to congratulate him, and finally the Welsh, so reserved for so long, shone. Finally, the attacks on the yellow jersey are frowned upon in the last stage of this Sunday. Shortly after, tears flowed. "I'm speechless, the last time I cried at my wedding." He was now going to "drink one or two beers, the party I'm going to have for Paris."

Thomas's daily goal could not to be Saturday to take the lead of the second Tom Dumoulin. The world champion against the Dutch clock has its strengths over short distances and has shown it too. Just before Chris Froome and Thomas, the 27-year-old won the penultimate stage. This was not enough for the top, but after finishing second in the Giro, this success is more than remarkable: "I am very happy with the second place," said Dumoulin, expressing his respect to Thomas: "He is absolutely amazing.He was in the shape of his life. "

There is no doubt about Thomas's success. "G" will be the third Briton to win the yellow jersey. It continues the era of Heaven after Bradley Wiggins (2012) and Chris Froome (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017) have triumphed on the Champs-Elysees.

Another time is over: Froome failed on the Giro and Tour doubles, the last Marco Pantani had succeeded 20 years ago. After all, the 33-year-old in the overall standings was third in Slovenia's Primoz Roglic (Lotto-NL-Jumbo). "We have become friends in the last ten years." Froome said of his successor, "I am really proud of him."

The Italian tour, as well as the ongoing debate on the Salbutamol affair, seemed to have left his mark on him. He was hoping for the Tour's victory until the last day, said Froome. On arrival but he was joking with Dumoulin. An image consistent with the last weeks. Froome remained calm and collegiate despite the many whistles that followed him every kilometer.

On the other hand, Dumoulin had entered the race with rage. The day before, he was angry with Primoz Roglic. The winner of the next stage took advantage of the departure of the Col d'Aubisque for the wake of the bike. On Saturday, Simon Geschke's captain also forgot his world champion jersey against the clock in the hotel, otherwise he was not allowed to start this race. "It was a stressful morning," he said. But a happy ending.

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