Trailer Analysis: 20 minutes of play, raid and boss fight


  The 20-minute trailer reveals many details about Anthem The 20-minute trailer reveals many details about Anthem.

At E3 2018, EA showed a gameplay of anthems. Now, the developers have released much of the almost uninterrupted mission in a 20-minute video .

And that 's a lot of info on the Shared World shooter. We summarize the most important results for you. If you want more information, we also recommend our excellent overview of Anthem.

History: Shaper, scars and hymn of creation

The story of Anthem revolves around the so-called Shaper . They are gods who created the world and then disappeared. Their technology is still on the planet, now some factions are looking for their power. During the demonstration mission, players will find what are called the Echoes of the Creation Hymn – these are artifacts of the power with which the world was formed

<img src = "" clbad = "responsive mb-0" alt = "Anthem – Video: Gameplay of 20 Minutes on Raids and Game mechanics.

Hymn – Video: 20 minutes of game on raids and mechanics of the game

In the briefing, the characters also speak of Scars a group of aliens attacking caravans with a acid weapon. The Scar are one of the enemy factions in the game who also want to Anthem.

Gameplay: Javelin, Abilities and Weapons

There are four different combat suits in the game, called Javelin's : Colossus is a Heavy Tank, Ranger a Versatile, Storm a slightly armored fighter who attacks with elements, and Interceptor a very "Mech", which does not appear in the video.

  The blue light is part of a relic of the hymn of creation that created the world. The blue light is one of the relics of the creation hymn that created the world. </span>
<p>  Even in a javelin clbad, there are serious differences depending on the equipment: Although in the gameplay scenes, two players have chosen the Colossus One with flamethrower is cut for the scrum , the other with railgun and mortar on the remote combat. You can set up your Javelin in the Strider, a kind of mobile base <strong> on all fours </strong> (comparable to a Star Wars AT-AT) or in your hometown, and equip it with weapons and abilities and decorate it with painting work. You gain skills in the game world, they subdivided as weapons in <strong> various rarities </strong>. So, in the video, the Colossus' mortar and the ranger's hoarse grenade in the video are legendary skills. Each Javelin also has an ultimate ability, the Colossus receives a powerful explosive weapon in the trailer </p>
<p>  According to Interface, each Javelin seems to have a primary and secondary weapon, two abilities, a melee attack, and a final attack. </p>
<p clbad=  Fortresses: four-player raids

In the world of Anthem, you can play on the Bastions "data-img-format =" 204 "data-img-id =" 6036529 "clbad =" responsive mb-0 "src =" "/> Although two players chose the Colossus, the variety of equipment provides of the variety

Strongholds: Four Player Raids

This is a raid for four players, especially extended missions with strong opponents and bosses How many raids are there? How long does it take? Due to time constraints, the developers have cut part of the mission into the video, and the boss's fight at the end is incomplete.

Speaking of Bossfight: C & Is the Swarm Tyrant already in the caravan of the E3 2018 just after the end.An armor covers the front of the insect alien g ant, attacks are less effective. On the back he wears school bags that make him vulnerable. After some attacks, he hides and calls smaller servants.

  The tyrant of the swarm is one of the raid bosses. His weak point is on his back The Tyrant Swarm is one of the Raid bosses. His weak point is on his back

Multiplayer: Drop-in & Combos

In Anthem, up to four players can play together and join the missions . There are no level restrictions in the group either. In the video, a player at level 1 joins the other three at level 30.

Developers also have a combo system that rewards the team game. When certain attacks follow each other, they cause additional damage. In the video you can see, for example, how Storm starts with a crush and Colossus attacks the injured opponents with his railgun.

Anthem – All the info: You need to know about the RPG Action

Anthem borrows some gameplay elements from Warframe and Destiny, but also wants to put his own accents and tell an exciting story that even solo players can appreciate. Otherwise, the focus is on the cooperative, the PvP will not give it to the launch. At which point all the mechanisms shown in the video work together at the end and if Anthem motivates permanently (Endgame keyword), we learn the latest version of on February 22 . [ad_2]
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