Trend reversal in the PC market | heise online


  PC market trend reversal

For the first time since the beginning of the year 2012, the number of computers sold worldwide has further increased. This is notably due to the transition of companies to Windows 10.

In the second quarter of 2018, PC makers were able to sell 1.4 or 2.7% of desktop computers, laptops and workstations compared to the same period in the year last, according to researchers at Gartner and IDC. This means that the downward trend since the beginning of 2012 has been halted. In total, about 62 million new PCs were used by customers worldwide from April to June 2018.

Increased demand is mainly generated by companies that use their current PCs and laptops with Windows, a year and a half before the end of Windows 7 10 replace. The paragraph has also increased on cheap computers with Chrome OS as expensive high-end laptops. Private buyers were interested in bottlenecks in supply and the subsequent price drop in graphics cards, especially for gaming PCs. The security holes in the Meltdown and Specter processors that became known early in the year seem to have no influence on the buying behavior.


(Picture: it's not)

In the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, 17.4 million computers were sold, with desktop computers in demand in Germany, according to Gartner. Despite the trend towards mobile devices, desktops have played an important role in growth.

Deliver respectively 21.9% of market share and 13.6 million computers sold According to Gartner, Lenovo and HP are fighting for first place, IDC is a bit different and sees HP with 23.9% just ahead of Lenovo (22.1%). After Dell in third place, in terms of numbers, Apple and Acer follow remotely.

Market concentration continues to increase: the top five manufacturers now account for 78% of PC sales between them. The remaining PC manufacturers are expected to face declines of 12.9 (Gartner) and 7.3% from the previous year.

You can read a detailed badysis of the PC market for free in the article. Tape money to the horizon from 7/2018

( chh)

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