Ubisoft: New generation games with even more history and scope?


Ubisoft continues: In the next generation of consoles, an Assbadin's Creed or a Far Cry could offer not only one, but several stories and different locations …

Date: 12.06.2018 "data- lightbox = "512b1b25f104aad31b0b107b6ad60f9d.jpg">

Ubisoft, like other developers and manufacturers, is already exploring the possibilities of future technologies and next-gen consoles, which could make games much more complete than before , with multiple parallel stories in different places

Lionel Raynaud, Executive Vice President of Creative at Ubisoft, comments this in an article on Ubi's blog, blurring the line between the end of the game and the publication of a successor every year that pbades. "We will have technologies that break the current storage constraints," says Rayna "We would be able – in the world of a game – to have some historical periods ues different, as in a game Assbadin's Creed, between which you travel back and forth via animus. Or different parts of a world connected by travel points, so that a Far Cry or Watch_Dogs could unfold in different countries, without interruption. "

Multiplayer games such as Rainbow Six: Siege or For Honor, but also solo adventures like Assbadin's Creed: Origins, with updates and missing content long after the launch, you expect- you to potentially more complete games in the future or are you still playing today?

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1We are looking closely at the E3 ads from Ubisoft, the games we really liked.

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