Uerdingen coach on Großkreutz: – "In the 3rd league, you need guys like Kevin" – football


A world champion launches into the 3rd league!

What many fans thought was impossible is now a reality: Kevin Großkreutz (29) is registered in Uerdingen for three years!

The KIT trainer speaks in BILD Stefan Krämer (51) speaks exclusively about his new star

Krämer about the top transfer: "On the left offensive side, we actually had with Maurice Litka (loan from St. Pauli, Red Anm.) planned .It tore his shoulder in the but all the bands, at least three months fails.That's why we still looked around When the name Großkreutz fell, I could not believe it at first, but then everything went well. "

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Photo: Jennifer Schims

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Großkreutz relaxes his muscles: his first unit in the training camp of KFC Uerdingen completes the world champion in the gymnasium Photo: Jennifer Schims

About his first impression from Großkreutz: Thursday evening we met, we talked for an hour while eating. The boy is very motivated and warm, sees the whole as a great opportunity. "

About his expectations of the World Champion: " We have Kevin because you need guys in the 3rd division, otherwise you eat. And Kevin is just the guy you need to bring some mentality to the field. Kevin did not have the best years. But it was the same with Maxi Beister. When we got it, everyone was skeptical and now it is extremely important to us. The idea is that things are similar for Kevin. "

About the first Grosskreutz mission: " When all goes well in practice, he plays a half-time against Pribram on Monday. Like everyone. "

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