Update NEXT is twice as big as the basic game at the time


The new update of No Man's Sky NEXT is now on PS4, PC and Xbox One. The update is available as a free download if you already have the basic game. With the 1.5 update, No Man's Sky will finally have a feature like multiplayer and a character editor with extraterrestrials. But the download is great.

NEXT is twice the size of the base game: The download is about 10GB. This is twice the size of the main game and the Atlas Rises, Pathfinder and Foundation updates. DLC.

With NEXT, No Man's Sky could become the game he's always wanted to be. After the release in August 2016, the disappointment of the players was great, because the game could not hold the hype and the ads. But with NEXT everything will be different:

The most important new features summarized:

Full update patch notes can be found here on Reddit.

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