User numbers: Windows 10 does not progress


Windows 10 starts up. Microsoft's operating system seems to have hardly gained new users for months.
User numbers: Windows 10 does not progress “/>


Number of users: Windows 10 does not progress

© Microsoft

Windows 10 occurs in the number of users on the premises. You must get this impression if you badyze the latest statements from Microsoft.

Because Microsoft has been talking about it for a few months

Windows 10
soon installed on 700 million devices. if

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella only to the recent presentation of quarterly figures that Windows 10 would approach 700 million facilities.

Windows 10 in price comparison

"Nearly 700 million installations" were already in March 2018. At the time

Terry Myerson in his farewell letter when he served as chief of the

The Windows division has resigned.

In June 2018, the Redmonder announced that Windows 10 would have crossed the 700 million mark. Just to row and say that this message was wrong.

On top of that, the phrase "almost" – in English "near" – is very vague. If Microsoft since March 2018 says that Windows 10 is installed on nearly 700 million devices, then this "almost" must include a fairly large bandwidth. Otherwise, Windows 10 would hardly have gained users for about five months.

In April 2015, Microsoft had always pursued the plan that Windows 10 had installed in two to three years on more than one billion devices
was. This project failed in all cases,

what Microsoft has already acknowledged in July 2016.

OS market shares: Windows 7 does not want to die

Windows 10 has 500 million active users per month

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