Valve blocks 90,000 Steam accounts in two days


  Playing on the computer

Cheater does not like anyone – not even Valve and silences tens of thousands of cheat Steam account cheaters. Accounts can not be reactivated.

Valve blocked approximately 90,000 Steam accounts on Wednesday and Thursday via the anti-cheat Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) software. Affected are the accounts of the game distribution platform Steam, which has been used in cheating software games.

SteamDB lists 28,465 for Wednesday and 61,465 for Thursday. That's more than usual, so far, the number of daily closings by VAC was about 1,300 blocks. Since SteamDB does not check all profiles, the number of blocked Steam accounts could be much higher. If Valve continue the major offensive launched against Cheater, is still uncertain. Until now, there are no Friday numbers. It is possible that only a special cheat was added to the VAC system, which in the short term caused the fate of the large number of blocked accounts.

ACC automatically detects various cheats, including cheats, for which hundreds of dollars must be paid. The system monitors a variety of games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, the Call of Duty series and Ark: Survival Evolved. Valve also wants to rely more on artificial intelligence in detection.

Steam blocked accounts can not be put back into service and remain locked. Affected cheats, who are likely to be missed on the platform, can sign up with a new account on Steam, but must then buy the games again.


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