VfL Bochum and 1. FC Kaiserslautern play 2: 2 in the friendly – Bundesliga


Bochum coach Robin Dutt (53) saw the end of the VfL's training camp a 2: 2 team against Kaiserslautern relegated to the second division.

Red devils annoy VfL.

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Photo : Imago

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Janelt, Pantovic and Maier (from the left) were used in the test against Lautern Photo: Imago

Before the break, Bochum acted too heavily, scarcely marking opportunities. Bad luck: Riemann looks good in a Zuck shot. But the defended ball rebounded from Gyamerah's foot in goal – 0: 1 (43.) just before the half-time whistle.

The VfL attackers then returned the game. Only Wurtz (68), then Hinterseer scored after a double pbad with Wurtz the 2: 1 (70).

But a piece by Lauterns Huth against Janelt gave the Palatine a penalty, the Spalvis at 2: 2 (75).

We are leaving today Weiler im Allgäu by bus to Bochum. The next test will take place Wednesday (18h) in Rheine against Stoke City relegated to the Premier League.

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