Video training with coach Werder Florian Kohfeldt – Bundesliga season 2017/18


Florian Kohfeldt (35) is a real eye catcher in his first season of preparation.

The Zipfel tent from Zillertal!

In addition to the training ground, Werder's head coach had a white tipi installed. It is fenced, so no spectator can enter without permission. Even a privacy screen is installed in front of the entrance. What's going on with the mysterious Zipfel tent?

Kohfeldt shows his pros a variety of forms of play on a big TV, explains the exercises and then badyzes if the contents have been correctly implemented. The TV offers a mix of live images captured by local badysts and pre-made presentations.

The Zipfel tent becomes a professional cinema!

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " bremen-200854237-56302880 / 2, w = 300, c = 0.bild "width =" 300 "alt =" Werder Bremen "data-zoom-title =" The pros are standing up for the "cinema screening" of their achievements of training

Photo: nordphoto

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The pros are for the "projection of cinema" of their training

Photo: nordphoto

The manager Frank Baumann (42 years): "It is very important that video badyzes are made in the immediate vicinity of the field So, if you have to go to the hotel by bus or bike after the unit, they have already forgotten a few things. "

Kohfeldt also used a similar method in the winter training camp in Algorfa (Spain). At this point, the video training is held in a container. Baumann: "In Spain, we scheduled the video badysis 15 minutes before the training because the local conditions were not as good as here." The container was about 70 meters away Training grounds: Too long to run there during training. "

In Zillertal, the TV is next to the field. Kohfeldt has already sent his pros twice to watch TV in the corner tent yesterday. A performance lasted a little less than five minutes, then she returned to the square

It remains to be hoped that the coming season for Werder will not become a horror film …

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