Virtual reality: Virtual reality is slowly dying, analysts say; The RV just starts, says HTC


HTC (Vive, Vive Pro) issued a statement citing recent reports from badysts who prophesy the slow death of virtual reality (VR) and a report from Digital Trends, in which there has been a decline sales in recent years Months are reported.

"We apologize very much for ignoring the alarm signals, the news of the so-called death of the VR come once a year and are as usual greatly exaggerated", writes the company.

HTC comments on badysts' predictions: "This is not to say that the predictions of virtual reality badysts do not provide valuable information – they certainly do, but we thought that it would be useful to examine more accurately and critically how they reach their conclusions.The launch of "Consumer VR" was primarily motivated by mobile viewers such as GearVR and Google Cardboard, as they became less attractive (the VR experience does not meet the expectations of consumers), appliance sales are the main

  • Premium VR has solidified and increased over time, but the big players do not have the same price. have no market trend business number (Please read more for a key figure we are releasing today.)
  • The overall VR experience is improved by improvement of the reso lution and comfort of the HTC VIVE Pro, more titles, more accessories and soon less cable further improved. However, badysts do not predict a turning point based on these improvements.
  • Companies are scaling up large-scale VR investments, particularly in the area of ​​location-based entertainment and training. These figures are not reflected in consumer forecasts and are therefore not included in the reports. "
  • The decline in VR headset sales continues: " Last week, Digital Trends released a report in which the data from Amazon Third-party vendors to support the sharp decline in sales VIVE. Most reports on Internet VR reflect fear and panic. But this is only a partial aspect of the entire story. There is a reason for this decline. VIVE achieved the highest sales ever, for weeks, and we were out of stock. For a product CE [Consumer Electronics; Unterhaltungselektronik] in the third calendar year, this development is almost unknown. But do not worry, we are increasing the production of the original VIVE, and the devices will be back online and commercially available in the coming weeks.
    The final outlook for HTC is: "More and more people are starting to understand the possibilities of virtual applications, word of mouth will grow, and sales will continue to increase. In the virtual reality industry, it is important not only to obtain employment figures, but also to ensure that we have a growth path for our customers and our company over time. That's why we're delighted that market badysts like the International Data Corporation (IDC) are doing it right. They badyzed VR's share and identified VIVE as the market leader in this area, which means that our investments are profitable for consumers and businesses. This means that customers spend more time on their virtual reality headsets, and businesses see a way to make money themselves. It's exactly where we want to be. We believe that VIVE offers the best of high-end VR, whether on PC or standalone (AIO). Our standalone product VIVE Focus has gained importance since its launch in the Chinese market. It is the number one in China, and our WaveVR platform runs on three of the top four AIOs in China. We will talk a lot more about Focus as soon as we bring this product to other markets. It takes time to put a new technology on the market. " Latest video news: Status Quo and Outlook

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