Watzke says about the mob-PK of Bavaria: "developed a dynamic that was not originally planned"


Watze on Bavaria: "It feels like it's a bit harder right now"

As a result, his badessment of the media was fairly general. "We all have to live with the critics, especially when they are justified, the criticisms that have been made today are being criticized at an extremely early stage, which also concerns social media, and it is becoming more and more aggressive 20 years ago we did not know what a shit – and everyone knows it today. "For the Watzke, the last Bayerns so repressed continue to be the of what is happening in the Bundesliga, although it should not have been so easy this year: "I do not feel that Bayern is weakening." The Bundesliga stronger than last year, I can not see in the heads of Bayern Munich, but we have the impression that it is currently a little heavier. "

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