Werder Bremen is interested in Davy Klaassen from Everton – Bundesliga season 2017/18


For weeks, Frank Baumann (42 years old) is looking for the new midfielder star

There is now a very hot track

Werder draws from the Dutch international Davy Klabaden ( 25 years old) from FC Everton. According to information from BILD, Werder offers a contract up to 2022 with a salary of up to 3.5 million euros per year.

Klabaden becomes the new Thomas Delaney, who left Werder for Dortmund for 20 million euros

The clubs ran for weeks and are tough.

No wonder: the Liverpool club put for last summer the star of Ajax last year, proud of 27 million on the table. After a disappointing year in the Premier League (seven games, no goal), the blond boy leaves Everton. With as little loss as possible, of course.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: //images.picture. Of / photo-scale / davy- klabaden-200329244-56396858 / 3, w = 300, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 300 "alt =" Davy Klabaden "data-zoom-title =" Also for the national team of Holland a size : Davy Klabaden (right) in a duel with Italy Marco Verratti


"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ davy-klabaden -200329244-56.396.858 / image / 3.bild.jpg «/>

Also in the Dutch national team a size: Davy Klabaden (right) In a duel with Italy Marco Verratti


Meanwhile, Werder and the English accepted a transfer. In the room are 15 million euros! 12 million immediately, the other three in installments. An astronomical transfer for the circumstances of Werder. Klabaden would enter as the most expensive access ever in the history of the Bremen club.

But that's not all. Klabaden has not yet promised to Werder, hoping for a more attractive offer. Several Premier League clubs (including Huddersfield) are interested. The big killer is not there yet for him.

In Amsterdam, Klabaden (coached at Ajax) caused a sensation before his departure. After 126 games of Erstliga, he scored 44 goals and 30 badists in the account. Does it bind Werder to ancient times?

The successor of Delaney would have signed at the end of the obligatory start of the game in the Worms Cup (18.8.)

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