Willi Lemke on Özil: "I have never felt very good with him"



Willi Lemke on Özil "I never felt very good with him"

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From photo to resignation: Voice to the cause Özil

Mesut Özil and Recep Erdogan capture their photos on May 14, leaving the DFB team on July 22. We return to the voices that led to the great DFB earthquake.

When Özil arrived at Werder Bremen at the age of 19, Willi Lemke was on the supervisory board. The 71-year-old player shows little understanding of the current behavior of the best player – but rejects a charge to him decidedly.

W illi Lemke, former UN special envoy and former chairman of the supervisory board of Werder Bremen, criticized the resignation of pro footballer Mesut Özil. "I do not think it's so smart, he must have bad advisers, both before and after the photo and now," Lemke told "butenundbinnen.de".

"This is not his text, as we all know.I am as annoyed as he writes in English," Lemke said. "He is a German international and has always wanted to be, but I have never felt great identification with him."

Lemke and Özil have a particular connection: Özil played from January 2008 to 2010 at Werder Bremen. At the time was Lemke supervisor of the Bundesliga football. In the 1980s and 1990s, he greatly influenced the club as a manager.

"He should focus on sport"

The now 71-year-old is a member of the SPD and has long been active in the politics of Bremen: in 1999 he took the senator's office for the 39, Education and Science Interior and Sports. Since 2007, Mr. Lemke has also been Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Sport for Peace and Development.

Given allegations of Özil's racism against the DFB and its criticism of the media, sponsors and certain parts of society, Lemke showed little sympathy. When asked if he regretted Özil's resignation, he said, "If that is really his personal opinion, and he has read the text carefully and discussed it with his advisers and friends, and he says it as he has said, with all the allegations against the media, against certain parts of society, against sponsors, against the DFB, especially with his terrible accusation of racism – his He really means that, so I say, "Okay bye."

Den Ömzil was accused of contributing to the premature departure of the World Cup team, Lemke now decidedly rejected. It was "total nonsense". Indirectly, he also resumed criticism of Uli Hoeneß, according to which Özil would play badly for years. He would not say that. "He is a great footballer, but he should focus on the sport and not try to act politically."

See also

  Natalya Nepomnyashcha, Oliver Polak, Wana Limar, Hyun-Ho Cha, Mateja Meded and Backtosch Mustafa (top left clockwise)

Özil resigned as a result of the case of his photos Sunday with the Turkish President challenged Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the national team. In his statement on the resignation, he had made a general strike against his detractors, the media and the German Football Association (DFB). He criticized, among other things, "racism and disrespect".

In politics, the Özil statement sparked a debate on the integration of German Turks. High-ranking political figures such as Chancellor Angela Merkel, Family Minister Katarina Barley and Foreign Minister Maas have already commented on this point.

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