Windows 7 and 8: Microsoft allows monitoring functionality


W When Microsoft Changes the Status of Long-Listed Windows Updates from "Optional" to " important ", there's no dick after that. The situation is different for patches KB2952664 and KB2976978 for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. These update modules enable a monitoring function that regularly collects diagnostic data from the system and sends it to the manufacturer. Until now, the monitoring function has been activated only at the explicit request of the user and automatically installs on all computers equipped with Windows 10 predecessors. COMPUTER BILD reveals what is behind the recent "forced update"

From the optional update to the forced update

When Microsoft released its new Windows 10 with various sniffer functions enabled in 2015, the excitement was great. It is only gradually that the software giant has reduced and defused the surveillance of its users. What many do not know: Even the old Windows 8 systems and the still widespread Windows 7 were later equipped with some of the known control features of Windows 10. This includes the so-called telemetry feature for regular control of the camera. use of the PC. Until now, Redmond has only provided this as an "optional update" – so it was not automatically installed during the Windows update. This method has now changed Microsoft in one click.

These tools prevent Windows 10 from spying

Telemetry: Diagnostic Data Only or More?

But why the sudden change of heart? As Microsoft writes in respective advertisements, continuously copied diagnostic data from older Windows systems should ensure that they remain compatible with future updates. If you're thinking of awesome requests for a forced update of Windows 10 and automatically downloaded updates, you can rest badured. Because Microsoft gives up in the corresponding updates on the notorious preparation tool "GWX". Nevertheless, there is a faded aftertaste about the installation – de facto secret – of the update. It has doubled over 30 system files and set up a Windows task for daily transmission of usage data to Microsoft. What are the data, the user does not learn.

Disable Windows Telemetry Features

Since the update in question is installed automatically, it is probably already installed on your PC. An uninstall does not help – it always comes back automatically. It is also discouraged to close important updates in this context as this would mean that important updates would be omitted. After all, with COMPUTER BILD spying stop for Windows 7 and 8, you can disable the diagnostic tracking service ("DiagTrack") in Windows and thus stop telemetry. To do this, select the "Disable telemetry" check box, and then click Apply and OK . The next time you start Windows, the telemetry service is disabled. For Windows 10 users, the best way to disable telemetry features is to use the ShutUp10 program of O & O. There, different telemetry data in the areas security and user behavior can be disabled.

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