World Cup problem: Bierhoff after Ozil's criticism under pressure


Sport (DPA)

World Cup problem: Bierhoff after Özil's criticism under pressure

| Reading time: 4 minutes

  Oliver Bierhoff   Oliver Bierhoff

Oliver Bierhoff, the DFB team manager, is under pressure. Photo: Christian Charisius

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Oliver Bierhoff, director of the team, moves away from Mesut Özil. The poisoned debate on the national team is gaining momentum again. But even for Bierhoff, he becomes more and more unpleasant.

B erlin (dpa) – The future of Mesut Özil in the national team is more uncertain than ever with the death of Oliver Bierhoff

Sensitive interviews of the director of the DFB, With whom he won the nomination for the World Cup Later, the football world champion questioned again fueled the poisoned debate about the consequences of the Erdogan affair. For the reason of the photos with Turkish President sharply criticized Ozil, a new start in the national team seems very debatable. But the manager Bierhoff also sees again, after the next chapter of crisis communication, embarrbading questions about his role: the sentences of Bierhoff in a long conversation with the newspaper "Die Welt" reads like in Özil at least once . Part of the blame for the debacle of the World Cup research the German team. "We have never forced the players of the German national team to do anything, but we have always tried to convince them to do something We did not succeed with Mesut. And in this respect, one would have to wonder if one should refrain from playing sports, "says Bierhoff.

But what does the 50-year-old mean by that? "It's not disputed that Özil's continued public silence has intensified the fuss over the images with Erdogan and this has also occupied the team at the World Cup." Unlike his teammate Ilkay Gündogan , who explained at least to a few selected journalists, the 29-year-old player did not appear before the World Cup media.

But also the management of the German Association of football and sports, which goes far beyond football, has failed thoroughly.The opportunity of an action like that of the equi Swedish World Cup pe, who scored racism after the closure of attacks against Turkish international Jimmy Durmaz, allowed the DFB to pbad. Bierhoff himself repeatedly tried to declare the debate and stressed shortly before leaving for Russia: "What I say to both players is to check."

The leadership of the DFB, meanwhile, promised WM responds in the cause Özil / Gündogan, who also populist and xenophobic potting soil. First of all, there should be a thorough badysis of all the causes of the first defeat in a World Cup preliminary round – under Bierhoff's leadership. With his interview "world", the manager of the national team has apparently already submitted parts of this review. The question then arises of how coach Joachim Loew has appointed the director of Arsenal for the next international match on 6 September in Munich. Özil himself had left everything open after the disgrace of the World Cup. He announced his social network for the purchase of his new jersey number 10 arsenal in the Gunners' fan shop. A few days ago, he announced in the same place his disappointment for the World Cup: "It will take time to get it back." He gave his message with the hashtag "SayNoToRacism" (Say no to racism) [19659011Aumoinsils'agitd'unepetiteréférenceaudébatsurlesincendiesquiporteàébullitiondessemainespourl'InternetdéchaînéStammtisch"SansOzilnousaurionsgagné"Atweetéledéputédel'AfDJensMaieretn'étaitnullementseulQueÖzildanslenul0-2contrelaCoréeduSudquiafinalementscellélaCoupeduMondenonseulementappartenaitstatistiquementauxmeilleursjoueursallemandsetpresquetouteslesbonnesactionsoffensivesémanéesdeluiestcomplètementignoréparsescritiques

? Many could now understand Bierhoff's words as an additional template for this application. "In hindsight, I will try to clarify this problem even more clearly," says the 1996 European Champion before leaving new doubts behind him. Bierhoff also says that Özil "for some obvious and obvious reasons" could not have said what was expected of him.

Bierhoff's insight is also irritating in the context of his marketing campaign for the selection of the DFB, Under the hashtag "#zsmmn", the national team should stand as a unit. Bierhoff's public departure from Özil does not quite match the desired image – and contributes to the ex-professional criticism in comment columns.

In any case, is not far from his far Loew world champion of many as a bad boy in the crashed sloppy World Cup mission was made, but Bierhoff. The election of the World Cup garrison in the gray Vatutinki, the brand cool strategy around the team, the noticeable alienation of fans – the DFB promoted to a kind of superminister Bierhoff must suddenly respond to a series of incidents. You have to "put everything to the test," says Bierhoff in the interview "Welt". Instead of his role in the failure of the World Cup, however, he is now pushing Özil into the center for the moment.

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