Yager: The Berlin Development Studio Presents The Action Game The Cycle


Fortuna 3 – This is the name of the planet somewhere at the edge of the galaxy where players face each other in The Cycle. The shooter is currently being developed by Berlin-based developer Yager, who enjoys a good reputation in the community thanks to Spec Ops: The Line and Dreadnought. On Fortuna 3, players must perform as many tasks as possible in about 20 minutes: find an item, kill an alien monster or something similar. Then, players still have to reach a shuttle to save themselves from a deadly storm

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    1. EDG AG, Frankfurt
    2. Lidl Digital, Neckarsulm

    Another peculiarity is that without a great effort during the game can make a pact with another player. The respective tasks are then combined so that they can be processed as efficiently as possible. If you have no desire for the partner, the Zweckgemeinschaft should just as easily be solved. Those who are no longer connected should then be able to attack again.

    It is not known, among other things, how many Battle Royale elements are included in The Cycle. So, developers are thinking of limiting the space on the rescue shuttle. If only one of the participants escapes, the fighting may recall the Pubg and the Fortnite.

    On the official website, Yager writes that many decisions have not yet been finalized and that developers want to work closely with the community. In addition to space on the shuttle, details such as lap time and number of participants are not final yet.

    The cycle should begin at the end of 2018 on Steam in Early Access. Interested parties can already register for the Alpha test on the product page. The game should first appear for Windows PC, console versions might follow later. The details of the business model are not yet available.

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