"You can never wait for respect" – Mavraj's grave farewell to HSV – season 2017/18


At lunch time, the thing was eaten. Mergim Mavraj (32 years old) was dissolved before the dissolution of the HSV contract of 2019. After meeting with Sport's board of directors, Ralf Becker smiled at People's Park.

The club softened the departure of the central defender with a settlement of 300 000 €. Thus, Mavraj (1 million euros HSV salary per year) wants to compensate for the loss of salary of his future club. Currently, the second Spanish division of La Coruna should have a nose in front. There is also the interest of Saudi clubs.

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Photo: Instagram

"data-zoom- src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/mit-emotionalen-und-kritischen-worten-verabschiedete-sich-mergim-mavraj-vom-hsv- and fans-200859375-56349258 / image / 2.bild .jpg «/>

With emotional and critical words Mergim Mavraj says goodbye to HSV and fans Photo: Instagram

The break was not without leaving, Mavraj could not resist a slight tingling.

On Instagram, he writes: "A contract dissolves, an emotional connection never.You can never wait for recognition or respect."

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https: // images. bild.de/fotos-skaliert/trainer-christian-titz-v–hatte-mergim-mavraj-3-vr– im-maerz-bei-den-profis-aussortiert-200859374-56349250 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Coach Christian Titz (v.) had sorted Mergim Mavraj (3rd from right) in the pros in March "data-zoom-title =" Coach Christian Titz (v.) had sorted Mergim Mavraj (3rd from right) at the pros in March

Photo: Meincke Kalle

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/trainer-christian- Titz-v – had-Mergim Mavraj-3-vr – in March -In the-professionals sorted-200859374-56349250 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Coach Christian Titz (v.) Had sorted Mergim Mavraj (3.v.r.) in March among the pros Photo: Meincke Kalle

Also a "# U21" with a heart. Background: Coach Christian Titz (47) relegated Mavraj to under-21 in March, which was no longer planned for him.

Mavraj continues: "I loved being at HSV and helping with a lot of pbadion. What pride means, we learned in May 2017. "At that time prevented Mavraj and HSV the imminent accident in the 2nd League with a 2-1 on the last day against Wolfsburg.

When the HSV in May 2018, but had to drop Mavraj was only a spectator on television.

Sports director Becker had been working behind the scenes for days on a solution: "We thank Mergim and wish him all the best. "

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