Court orders Attorney General to assist Dr. Opuni with more documents


  Gloria Akufo Lsl "title =" Gloria Akufo Lsl "width =" 295 "height =" 184 "/> <span clbad= Gloria Akuffo, Attorney General

The High Court of Accra ordered the Attorney General to do everything within his power to provide the former CEO of COCOBOD, Dr. Stephen Kwabena Opuni, some documents to help his defense.

On June 7, 2018, the Supreme Court ordered all prosecutors of the country to prosecute persons, irrespective of their charges, for the defense of their case, which had affected Dr. Opuni's case in the High Court.

Dr. Opuni and Seidu Agongo, both accused, relied on section 19 (2) (e) and (g) and asked the AG to provide them with all documents, including those on which he would not rely during the trial.

However, at the hearing on Wednesday, Dr. Samuel Cudjoe, counsel for Dr. Opuni, told the court that the AG had provided certain documents to its customers but the defense still needed to access other docs

He said that it was necessary that his client had access to documents covering all fertilizer contracts during his tenure as well as certain documents that he believed were in the possession of EOCO and other investigative bodies. [19659004MmeYvonneAtakoraObuobisalaDirectricedespoursuitespubliquesadéclarédanssaréponsequeleProcureurgénéralavaitremistouslesdocumentsensapossessionàl&#39;accuséetquecequel&#39;équipejuridiqueduDrOpunidemandaitn&#39;étaitpasenlapossessiondel&#39;AG


After much debate, the presiding judge, Justice Clemence Honyenuga, ordered the & # 39; AG to do what was in his power to obtain the documents.

Accused face 27 counts of indictment, including fraud under false pretenses, intentional loss of state, money laundering, bribery by an official and contravention the law on public procurement.

They pleaded not guilty and were granted a mortgage of 300,000.00 GH * by the court.

The Court returned the case to Monday, July 9 for further action.

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