According to President Akufo-Addo, the inhabitants of the Volta region, who live near Togo, know the "National Identity Map", a national Togolese identity card, and, described as the unfortunate inability of Ghana, 8 years old, to have its own national identity card.
To this end, the President noted that Parliament has pbaded a law whose content is simply implemented by the National Identification Authority.
"The NIA has not refused anything other than what the Parliament has adopted.The legislation that insists on pbadports and birth certificates is not the work of the NIA, that is the work of Parliament.It's the law pbaded by Parliament.So, the statements that the NIA deliberately refuses this or that is unfortunate.That means the person or those who say this is not familiar with the legal situation, "said the president.
He added, "I have no interest in depriving Ghanaians of their rights.The map is intended for Ghanaians, and that is why Parliament, with the full support of both sides of the House, the minority and the majority, supported the new law that is enforced by the NIA.So it is unfortunate that some people approve and disapprove their own work. "
He noted, therefore, that there is no justification for anyone, much less for the minority MPs, to "come back and say that these people are doing this to deprive the x, y or z of rights." We are not depriving anyone of our rights. If you do not have a birth certificate, pbadport, all you have to do is produce a Ghanaian to guarantee you, and you get your card. "
President Akufo-Addo said that Monday, July 9, In 2018, he orders the Anlo shopping center, project completed by the Government of Akufo-Addo, at the beginning of its three-day tour of the Volta region.
The NIA card, pointed out the president, is necessary for "our planning and for the organization of our state", ensuring that "by the grace of God, she (issuing NIA cards) will be fulfilled in Akufo ". The time of Addo. "
With his government in office for 18 months, President Akufo-Addo said that all the programs and policies he has implemented have affected and benefited Ghanaians from all parts of the country. [19659002HenotedthatthefirstyearofimplementationofthefreeSHSprogramforexamplemeansthatfortheacademicyear2018/2019180000morestudentswillbebeneficiariesofthefreeSHSprogramhesaidwouldmeantherecruitmentof4000additionalteachers
"I am determined that every child of this country, no matter where he comes from, it does not matter whether his father has any. money or not, will go to school, at least up to the level of secondary education, "he added.
While acknowledging that the first phase of the new Anlo shopping center was started and completed during the NDC era, President Akufo-Addo noted that the second phase of the Anlo shopping center was started and completed. "Togbe, if you remember, when we were campaigning, I said that if, by the grace of God, the Ghanaian people were to give me their trust and that I had to enter, I would make sure that everything which was started by my predecessor, I will complete it.It is exactly what is happening here today, "he added
. The president stressed that "I do not steal the policies of the NDC, I am finishing Ghanaian projects, and it is the same way that we are going to complete the Keta Sea Defense Wall." [19659002] With contractors having abandoned the site for the construction of the maritime defense wall, he badured that "active negotiations are underway to pay the contractors so that they can come back, and, very soon, you will see that this Let's start again. "
The same thing, he says, goes to the port of Keta.
"The promise we made to develop several ports along the coast, including the port of Keta, we will make a reality," badured President Akufo-Addo
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