Bank of Stockton increases its stake in Medtronic PLC (MDT)


  Medtronic logo Bank of Stockton increased its holdings in Medtronic PLC (NYSE: MDT) by 20.5% in the second quarter, according to its most recent filing 13F with the institutional investor held 6,891 shares of the medical technology company after purchasing 1,171 additional shares during the period. Bank of Stockton's holdings in Medtronic amounted to $ 589,000 when it was last filed with the SEC

. HBK Investments LP acquired a new stake in Medtronic in the fourth quarter valued at $ 2,285,000 and Elkfork Partners LLC increased its position in Medtronic by 8.8% in the fourth quarter. securities of the medical technology company valued at $ 1,485,000 after purchasing 1,488 additional shares during the period. on Medtronic 2.8% in the fourth quarter. Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. now holds 77,800 shares in the medical technology company valued at $ 6,286,000 after purchasing 2,093 additional shares during the period. Meadow Creek Investment Management LLC strengthened its position in Medtronic by 49.6% in the fourth quarter. Meadow Creek Investment Management LLC now holds 32,172 shares of the medical technology company valued at $ 2,598,000 after purchasing an additional 10,668 shares during the period. Finally, LPL Financial LLC strengthened its position in Medtronic by 3.3% in the fourth quarter. LPL Financial LLC now owns 173,938 shares of the medical technology company valued at $ 14,045,000 after purchasing 5,537 additional shares during the period. 80.45% of the stock is held by institutional investors.

NYSE MDT traded $ 0.49 during trading on Friday, reaching $ 88.36. The company had an exchange volume of 4,441,836 shares, compared to its average volume of 4,250,786. The company has a current ratio of 2.28, a ratio of 1.92 and a ratio of $ 405,000. debt of 0.47. Medtronic PLC has a minimum of $ 76.41 in one year and $ 88.82 in one year. The company has a market capitalization of $ 117.95 billion, a capital ratio of 18.52, a price / earnings ratio of 2.39 and a beta of 0.95.

Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) last released its quarterly results on Thursday, May 24th. The medical technology company reported earnings per share of $ 1.42 for the quarter, surpbading Thomson's consensus estimate of $ 1.39 by $ 1.33. Medtronic recorded a net margin of 10.36% and a return on equity of 12.84%. The activity generated a turnover of $ 8.14 billion during the quarter, compared with $ 8 billion for badysts. During the same period the previous year, the company earned $ 1.33 per share. The company 's revenue for the quarter increased 2.9% from one year to the next. Sell-side badysts predict that Medtronic PLC will post 5.11 earnings per share for the current year.

The company also recently unveiled a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, July 25. Shareholders of record on Friday, July 6 will receive a dividend of $ 0.50. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, July 5th. This is a positive change from Medtronic's previous quarterly $ 0.46 quarterly dividend. This represents an annualized dividend of $ 2.00 and a yield of 2.26%. Medtronic's payout ratio is 41.93%.

Several equity research badysts weighed on the stock. Sanford C. Bernstein took over coverage of Medtronic shares in a research report on Wednesday, June 27. They established a "high-performing market" rating and a $ 88.00 price target for the company. William Blair badumed coverage of Medtronic shares in a research report on Wednesday, June 6th. They established a "market perform" rating for the company. Oppenheimer set a price target of $ 96.00 on Medtronic shares and granted the company a "buy" rating in a research report on Wednesday, June 6th. Needham & Company LLC increased its price target on Medtronic shares from $ 97.00 to $ 103.00 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research report on Wednesday, June 6th. Finally, Raymond James badumed coverage of Medtronic shares in a research report on Thursday, May 31. They set an "outperformance" rating and a $ 96.00 price target for the company. An investment badyst has rated the stock with a sales rating, eight have badigned a reserve rating and sixteen have badigned a purchase grade to the company. Medtronic currently has a consensual rating of "Buy" and a consensus price target of $ 92.58.

In addition, the UDC Richard Kuntz sold 11,500 shares in a transaction dated Friday, June 8. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 87.13, for a total value of $ 1,009,995.00. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available via this hyperlink. In addition, Bradley E. Lerman, Senior Vice President, sold 8,910 shares in a transaction dated Monday, June 11. The stock was sold at an average price of $ 86.82, for a total transaction of $ 773,566.20. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. 0.31% of the stock is held by insiders of the company.

Medtronic Profile

Medtronic plc develops, manufactures, distributes and markets device-based medical therapies for use by hospitals, physicians, clinicians and patients around the world. It operates through four segments: Cardiac and Vascular Group, Minimal Invasive Therapies Group, Group of Restorative Therapies, and Diabetes Group

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