Nestlé Rewards Cacao Farmers – Daily Africa Guide


Some beneficiaries receiving their awards

More than 17,615 farmers under the Nestlé Cocoa Plan (NCP) in Ghana are expected to benefit from a premium package GH ¢ of $ 5.2 million # 39; euros.

The package is part of Nestlé's commitment to developing prosperous and resilient communities in its value chain.

Effective July 2018, Nestlé, through its implementing partners, Cocoanect and EcomAgro Industrial Corp Ltd, will pay each farmer GH ¢ 14 by certified ] 12 paid in 2017.

At the launch of the package, selected farmers were rewarded with materials, including Wellington boots, cutlbades, sprayers, secateurs and Nestlé's Cocoa Plan. (PCN) is part of Nestlé's Shared Value Creation (CSV) approach, which allows solar power companies to better integrate with key pillars. of the NCP. As part of the Nestlé Cocoa plan, Nestlé aims to improve the lives of cocoa farmers and the quality of their products, in line with the company's goal of improving living conditions and improving quality. of life of cocoa farmers. Nestlé collaborates with partners such as Ecom, the International Cocoa Initiative, Cocoanect and Cocoa Traders

. Nana Agyeman Badu, head of Mankraso-Kunsuin at the launch of the Premium package. The Ashanti region congratulated all farmers for taking the necessary steps to obtain certification.

Nana Badu recognized Nestlé as a credible partner of farmers.

He encouraged all farmers to take training on capacity building. adopt good agronomic practices from the workshops to improve their yields.

Fatih Ermis, Chief of Agricultural Services, Nestle Central West Africa Re Gion said, "At Nestlé, we have the ambition to help improve 30 million livelihoods of people directly connected to our company. business by 2030 through our agriculture-focused projects such as Nestlé Cocoa Plan and Nestlé Cereals Plan. better agriculture will mean better living conditions and better cocoa. This premium, which benefits our farmers, will help them produce quality cocoa that will meet our production standards, help increase local supply and contribute to the development of the local economy. "

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