Actors on the American scene go wild in front of the spectators watching the World Cup on phones – BusinessGhana News


Actors expressed their fury in front of two spectators who watched the shots at goal of the World Cup of England on their phone at the forefront of a musical

Niall Sheehy, actor of Titanic The Musical . "Not only did he shoot penalties on their phone, but also said" yesss "on every goal scored."

He said: "You are the most ignorant spectators I've ever had the misfortune to play in front of."

The match was clashed with a performance at the Royal Nottingham Theater Tuesday

The dramatic climax of the game saw England beat Colombia in the last 16 years and progress towards the quarterfinals .

But some members of the public could not resist following the game on their phones, despite having another type of drama unfolding on stage.

An actor, Kieran Brown, wrote on Twitter: : "Dumbfounded., Slap bang before clearly watching football on the phones durin g the most moving moment of the lifeboat scene , cheering and giggling like stupid schoolgirls.

"To say that I'm raging is a euphemism! They should be out of favor!

Sheehy added that a cast member signaled to the women to put away their phone, but they just "smiled, thumbed up and replied" I know – we won! "

He concluded," I think you may have let us know that you are the most stupid woman on the planet. Please avoid attending future theatrical productions. "

Casting Member Stephen Webb wrote :" If you come to the theater to see the show do not … I say do not … sit there on your phone to watch the World Cup !!!

"Stay at home !! It's so disrespectful !! Especially if you are sitting in the front row !!!! #manners #GoHome "

A theatregoer wrote to a cast member saying :" I feel that I must apologize on behalf of the appalling lady at the center of the stalls who could not stay away from her phone. "

" I can badure you that she did not "

Some Twitter users have had sympathy for women, however It was written : "Oh no … Show a little pbadion for their team in a BIG match!

" Shame on them to do it during the show but sometimes human nature has the desire to make things that are not intentionally mischievous. "

In a statement, the theater said its front-facing team asked all members of the public to turn off their phones when they entered the room. Auditorium, and that a department head was in the stalls, but was not in the coura any disturbance

. two spectators seated in the front row, only a few steps away from the stage, may not have realized that their actions could be seen and heard, "the statement said.

" Even if viewers feel that they are discreet or unobtrusive by checking their phones during a performance, it is both disrespectful and distracting for the actors on stage and for others around them.

"Our staff is vigilant in stopping this kind of behavior, where it is convenient to do so without further distracting the action on stage, but we also rely on people who use courtesy and respect for those who surround them when they come to see theatrical performance. "[19659003HehopesthatmembersoftheCommissionwillbeabletoattendthemeetingofthenextEnglishmatchat1500amatthesametimeasthemediaticmedia

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