Barbarian! Minister of the Interior of Canada, IGP, condemns the police assault of his mother who is breastfeeding | Social


The Minister of the Interior and the police hierarchy jointly condemned the brutal badault of a badfeeding mother by a Midland Savings and Loans officer.

Interior Minister Ambrose Dery described the video as "nasty" and "ACP Communications Police Director David Eklu told Joy News that the IGP and the whole of the police administration are outraged by the "highest level of unprofessional conduct of the police."

According to him, having watched the incident a few minutes ago, the IGP ordered that the agent of the video be identified, arrested and prosecuted.

Frederick Amanor Skalla has since been arrested and is behind bars.

"This is not how the police officers been trained, "said ACP Eklu, adding that the most severe sanctions and criminal prosecution would be imposed on him.

Frederick Amanor Skalla was invited by Midland Savings and Loan officials to She shows the badfeeding mother with her baby at the door to ask him for money but the policeman decides to do it brutally.

Starting from an umbrella, the police officer repeatedly strikes the woman and her baby in the head before slapping. and the striking

Even the tears of the crying child and the woman will not prevent the policeman from continuing his badault.

He stole the lady and threw her out of the banks room.

Initial reports suggest that the woman, whose identity has not yet been made public, went to the bank room late to withdraw her money and that had told him to come and go the next day, but she was resisting the aggression. Unconfirmed reports also suggest that the woman had always been in the bank room to withdraw her money because of reports that the bank was in crisis

She vowed not to leave until her bankruptcy was over. money is paid but she was expelled. the most brutal way. The officials of the savings and loan company have since apologized for the incident and have promised to investigate the case.

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