Fewer Twitter followers? No problem


Major celebrities – as well as entertainment brands and others – have lost a few Twitter followers in recent days, once the company has served suspicious accounts.

Some may call
the false. Still, the money was paid by someone.

Twitter expects to reduce the total
account follower
on the platform of about 6% – a substantial decline. And there is this consideration for stock market badysts: Twitter said it will not affect its "more
totals of active accounts.

What are the specific consequences?

Great celebrities, such as Katy Perry, are down 3 million followers to 107 million; Ellen DeGeneres has lost
2 million, leaving him 76.1 million followers; Barack Obama has dropped 3 million to 101 million; and our CEO in Tweet, President Trump lost 340,000 subscribers, now at 53



This can hurt – especially for celebrities who earn money through product sponsorship. Promoted tweets are a key part of Twitter's ecosystem – for celebrities and
brands. To get a tweet from your LeBron James product, expect to pay around $ 140,000, according to a report.

How much does Twitter followers downgrade to marketers? May be
the declines will also be in modest percentages.

But what about marketing value?

TV news, for example, has made a little less headway than Twitter's global efforts – NBC
News, down 1.1% to 6.1 million; CBS News, losing 4% to 6.4 million; ABC News, off
2.1% to 13.8 million; Fox News, down 1.1% to 17.8 million; CNN, down 1.7% to 40.0 million; and MSNBC down 1% to 2.1 million.

For its part, the Twitter brand fell 12% to 7.7

TV advertisers are used to this. They are witnessing the evolution of data in recent years on traditional television – because of market changes, the general splitting of media, or

Twitter can also be used to direct subscribers to other platforms where brands can earn money. Brands can use Twitter to sell products, crowdsource for money or promote

Do not leave out the obvious: there are some bad companies that use Twitter to do dishonest business.

In January, New York Times Found
a small Florida business has sold fake followers and other social media engagements to hundreds of thousands of users around the world, including politicians, models, actors, and writers

brands are now looking to offset some declines in the purchase of other media – like traditional television?

Maybe we should be teased with these new traditional TV commercials five or six seconds from a celebrity
or great athletes. The content: Just a tweet-shaped message on the air – with maybe a hashtag from McDonalds.

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