Former AIDS ambassador Joyce Dzidzor threatens to commit suicide and kill her children


Joyce Dzidzor Mensah, formerly controversial ambbadador for AIDS, released what is considered a pre-suicide note – threatening to end her life and that of her three young children today. on the 7th of July . a Facebook after Saturday morning, Joyce Dzidzor Mensah wishes his soul and that of the children rest in peace, "predicting that July 7 will be their last day on earth.

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"These are my three children.Today is our last day on earth.I have my last interview at 3 o'clock this afternoon.I will then go to the village where are my children, I am going to kill them and kill myself We are going to a place where there is no sorrow, a place where people will never call my children children of AIDS, a place where I will not be judged wrongly, a place where there is no hunger.A place where my children will not be fired for tuition, a place where we will not pay not for housing, a place where no one will beat me to use their bathroom, let our souls rest in peace. "

The post includes a photo of her with the children.

It is unclear what prompted the former ambbadador, actress and musician to share the troubling post

Joyce Dzidzor Mensah had previously claimed a status HIV positive, then retracted her, after which she was stripped of the role of ambbadador by the Ghana AIDS Commission.

She has since recovered AIDS status, but was in the news only last week following her revelation that she had slept a number of celebrities.


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