I saw Ebony my "little" sister


The latest musical sensation Wendy Shay revealed that she had a very good relationship with Ebony Reigns before her untimely death.

According to Wendy, she met and became familiar with Ebony before she even officially joined RuffTown Records

. Before joining the label, I met Ebony and got along very well together. After joining, I considered her as a little sister, "she explains in an interview with Abeiku Santana on the show" Atuu ". d & # 39; UTV.

Wendy Shay joins RuffTown, the Ebony label earlier in the year but overshadowed by Ebony 's death on February 8.

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In fact, she was officially presented to Ghanaians in 2018 VGMA, a little over two months after Ebony's tragic accident

Since then, Wendy has often been described as a substitute for Ebony, although Ricky Osei Agyemang (Bullet) has stated at the time that Wendy was not replacing Ebony.

Reacting to the comparison, Wendy stated that she saw it as normal because people still compare them since they come from the same label

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Since she's joined RuffTown, Wendy has released two singles. The first, "19459004" Uber Driver was released in June with the second runway Bedroom Commando & # 39; who hit the market last Tuesday.

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Both songs are doing very well with Uber Driver who already has more than one. a million views on YouTube.

But his career has not been without controversy. During the past month, she was dragged for wearing a wig for three months, which she denied. She was also charged with sleeping with 's boyfriend whom she also denied .

Born Wendy Addo, Wendy Shay is a Ghanaian linked to Germany. She lived most of her life in Stuttgart

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Source: Yen.com.gh

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