ICYMI, Mark Wahlberg is still Jacked, here's how he does it


The last post shows Wahlberg standing on a desk, congratulating the Lakers for getting LeBron James for the upcoming NBA season. While we are still confused how this pose is related to LeBron in any way, Wahlberg's physique is impressive.

The 47-year-old actor has been active on social networks over the past 12 months in particular, while he's launching his supplement brand, sharing his workouts, his nutrition and his schedule. intense with his followers

. until 3 am to work for 2 hours, 7 days a week (reads at 7 pm), "said Mark earlier this year." I'm determined to live a healthy and active lifestyle and Performance Inspired ( a brand that I have helped to create) is a natural extension of this work ethic. "

Our Men's Friends of Health USA Report That Wahlberg is Getting Ready to prepare for his role in the next film The $ 6 Billion Man where he will undoubtedly be in charge of showing the goods as a super agent bionically augmented.And although we may not be able to prescribing early mornings or an unparalleled work ethic, they recommend adding these five movements to your workout routine so that your arms are about to look like Wahlberg in no time at all

19659007 ] 4 sets – 25-30 reps (both arms)

Stand with both feet in the center of a resistance band. Grab each end of the band and at the same time loop your hands to your shoulders with your palms facing up. Keep your elbows close to your sides and squeeze your biceps up the loop before lowering your hands.

One-arm Dumbbell Concentration Loop

4 Series – 10-12 Reps

Sit on a flat bench with your feet wide and hang your right arm between your legs while holding a dumbbell, with the back of your arm on your right thigh. Place your left hand on your left knee for support. Curl the dumbbell to your shoulder by only moving your elbow joint. Do not turn your back and be sure to control the weight throughout the lift.

EZ Bar Preaching Loop

4 sets – 10-12 reps

Plant your arms against the preacher bench cushion for support. Grab the bar E-Z and roll it up to your chest, isolating your biceps, but not too high so that you can press the weight against the cushion or the shoulders. For some more tips, check out a more detailed exploder on preacher loops here

Curve Hammer Curl

4 sets – 10-12 reps

Stand holding a dumbbell set with your palms face to face Keep your elbows closed at your sides and your feet planted, curl the weights to your shoulders, pause and return to the original position

Rack Run

Perform 10 repetitions of dumbbell curls in alternation, starting at a manageable weight for you. Rest for 15 seconds, then drop a 5-lb increment. for the next set. Continue to lose weight by 5 pounds increments until you have done it four times. Then repeat the complete cycle three times.

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