Mali: The life of the Syama gold mine has increased by 4 years compared to an updated DSF


(Ecofin Agency) – Resolute Mining released a final feasibility study (DFS) updated yesterday for its Syama underground gold mine in Mali. According to the new results, the project is expected to generate 2,697 million ounces of gold given probable reserves of 35.2 million tonnes at 2.7 g / t gold. By extending operations from 4 to 16 years, the company should further reduce the cost of production per ounce of gold which is now estimated at $ 746 (previously $ 881).

"Our ambition at Syama is to transform this world clbad gold deposit into a world-clbad gold mine. The updated DFS figures capture the progress we have made in exploration, automation and energy. " says CEO John Welborn (photo)

Note that Resolute Mining Ltd is one of the largest Australian Stock Exchange, ASX

Louis-Nino Kansoun

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