Mark Wahlberg Praises LeBron – Mark Wahlberg Shoulder Workout


Getty / Men's Health Composite

Mark Wahlberg would like everyone to know that he is very happy for LeBron James – but also that his bust looks really good. On a recent Instagram photo, the 47-year-old actor did as Arnold Schwarzenegger and congratulated the NBA star for being moved to the LA Lakers. After all, LeBron Go Western League Conference means that the Wahlberg team – the Boston Celtics – have a better opportunity to dominate in the new East-LeBron-less.

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"Congratulations @kingjames go to the Lakers," he writes. "@celtics will now run the East for a long time. #allthewayup"

Of course, the former men's health man also took advantage of the l? opportunity to show his torn arms, torso, and Atlas- like shoulders, posing naked on a desk. Hey, man looks good. We can not blame him.

We talked about how you can work to develop Mark's arms and Mark's level before – but it takes more than biceps and abdominals to look like . You will also need to build a set of rock-like shoulders, so when it comes time for absolutely unnecessary flexing all the muscles on the upper body will appear.

The Workout

You've probably already given a good dose of attention to your shoulders during your workouts – back and forth movements like push-ups, straight rows and presses – but if you really want to go home twin pics, check out this complete routine inspired by another of our favorite action hero, Sylvester Stallone, courtesy of coach Jeremy Scott.

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Instructions: Perform the exercises below in the order listed.

1. Standing Dumbbell Press

4 Series, 8 to 12 Repeats

2. Standing Arnold Press

] 3 sets, 8 to 12 reps

While Scott recommends the Arnold press, it is important to note that the movement has a ton of internal rotation, which could put you at risk of shoulder problems on the road. Sub in a Y-side elevation adjusted for a safer option. If you are dead on the Arnolds, use a low weight and make sure you never over turn the dumbbells.

3. Lateral elevation dumbbell

3 series, 8 to 12 repetitions

4. Band held down

30 seconds each, 5 minutes total

5. Dumbbell straight row

3 series, 8 to 12 repetitions

6. Fly inverted supported by the head

3 sets of maximum representatives

7. Load carrier, various handles

12 minutes continuously [19659026] [ad_2]
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