P-Square: Peter Okoye gives a condition for the group to gather


Peter Okoye, one of the members of the late P-Square, gave a condition for the group to come back together.

P-Square was composed of twin brothers Paul and Peter Okoye and directed by Jude

They broke up for the third time earlier this year and did their things separately.

However, their fans around the world think that they were better as a unit but Peter, aka Mr. P, explained that it was the lack of respect towards him and his family by other members of his extended family who pushed him to leave the group.

Peter said, "Psquare can only come back if respect comes 100%." He told Citizen TV, Kenya: "In life what we call the value of the family is important."

"Fans want Psquare but how many times do you want Psquare to come back and break up three times and the same problem is still there.So if Psquare comes back, we have to fix that." Psquare could come back, they could do not come back. "

Peter said that he had to put his wife and children first because of the wish he had made on the day of his wedding

" I have removed the cork because I felt coming from my family (was receiving) too much, "he says.

"There is something we call marginalization Never be a slave because you want to be a family

" I do not disrespect the wife of my brother or his family, but he do this to me all the time. He will insult me ​​and my family in public, on Instagram, and the minute after he will wait behind the scenes for us to play together

"I can not do that One thing is certain, I vowed to protect my wife and children the day I got married and I
hold on to that, "he added [19659012] (function (d, s, id) {
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