Perseus Mining delivers record gold production in West Africa


  Perseus Mining

Perseus Mining has produced a record amount of gold from its two West African mines and has forcefully demonstrated the success of its transformation plan. single miner producer -mine, explorer, developer and producer of gold focused on West Africa

Perseus Mining's quarterly gold production of 83,881 ounces includes 57,861 ounces of mine Gold Edikan in Ghana and 26,020 ounces of gold Sissingué gold mine recently commissioned in Cote d 'Ivoire .

Perseus Mining's total production for the June 2018 quarter was 31% higher than in March 2018 and 63% higher than the corresponding quarter in 2017 On a half year basis, Perseus Mining produced 147,908 ounces of gold. Gold, comfortably in the previously announced production forecast range of 140,000 to 160,000 ounces of gold.

This total, which includes 112,843 ounces of Edikan and 35,425 ounces of Sissingué, is an increase of 37% over gold production of 108,008 ounces in December 2017 and 48% compared to the six months of June 2017.

Combination of the two annual production halves of Perseus Mining for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 was 255,916 ounces, an improvement of 45% over the previous year. 39, previous year and the best annual production of the history of the company,

Perseus Mining plans to publish its full quarterly report of June 2018, including the overall costs of the site and the cash balances at the end of the fiscal year on July 13, 2018.

"Over the past 18 months, Perseus Mining has been steadily improving its production performance at Edikan and with our second mine, Sissingué, commissioning successfully earlier this year we have been able to move our production to another level, allowing us to reach a number of pr. Results and strong operating cash flow this quarter, "commented Jeff Quartermaine, CEO of Perseus Mining.

"This strong performance is important to Perseus Mining in the context of our next development, the Yaouré gold mine that we plan to develop later this year.

"Based on current market conditions, Yaouré should be financed from internally generated cash reserves and debts that are being developed," he said.

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