Spice girls really come back together


<img width = "696" height = "464" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = "https://www.iafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ Spice-Girls-696×464.jpg "srcset =" https://www.iafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Spice-Girls-696×464.jpg 696w, https://www.iafrica.com/ wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Spice-Girls-300×200.jpg 300w, https://www.iafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Spice-Girls-630×420.jpg 630w, https: //www.iafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Spice-Girls.jpg 700w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" LONDON – The British pop band The Spice Girls gathers again, said Monday a band member Mel B.

The singer, also known as Scary Spice, told a British TV conversation, showing that the five Spice Girls have accepted the meeting. 19659002] "Of course, we are recovering together," she said on the Loose Women show of ITV

The other four members are Victoria Beckham (Pos h Spice), Melanie Chisholm (Spy Sports), Emma Bunton (baby spice) and Geri Horner, formerly Geri Halliwell (ginger spice).

Formed in 1994, the band has accumulated album sales in the tens of millions over their career, and Wannabe and say you'll be there in head of the charts around the world.

Halliwell was released in 1998 and the remaining members separated after releasing the album Forever In 2000.

The group re-formed for "We are sisters at the end of the day and what we went through was an amazing, brilliant trip, so we are together, we did a tour in 2007-2008 and we alluded to another meeting in 2018.

"Come back together" , said Mel B Monday.

"There was one that was a bit difficult (Beckham).

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