The helicopter carrying gold nearly crashed and was forced to land on a corn farm


A helicopter carrying gold from Bibiani Chirano Gold Mines was forced into a corn farm at Kumikrom after developing a mechanical fault

The helicopter, registered SA365C3-N5073, was carrying a helicopter. Gold belonging to the Chirano Gold Mines in Accra. Captain Abdul Salam detected a mechanical failure; According to the police report, a distressed call arrived at about 12:25 pm in Asamankese where they immediately sent police personnel to the scene to secure the gold boxes and the chopper.

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Another Accra helicopter was transported to the corn farm around 5:30 pm Monday and transmitted the contents and the crew on the defective plane in Accra

The engineers were then airlifted to the corn farm where the old helicopter developed a fault and repaired and transported it by plane.

According to the police report, no member of the crew was injured. that the mining company looks forward to compensating the farmer whose corn farm was destroyed in one way or another Watch the video below …

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