W / R; The closed season will affect us – Lamentations of fishermen.


The Coastal Fisheries Association of Ghana, Sekondi Section, demonstrated on Friday, July 13, 2018 at Sekondi fishing port Albert Bosomtwi Sam to ban all fishing activity for the month of August by the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Fisheries and Aquaculture. Elizabeth Afoley Quaye

According to fishermen, the ban of the month of August as a period of closure has caused tensions and a violent confrontation that may not be auspicious for the peaceful development of the country. Fishing industry in the west of the country.

"We are not against the closure of the ministry, but the delay is too short for us because for decades, the rainy season starts from July to September and we can use our catch to repay our loans and debts. The fishermen appreciated the government's determination and its concern to enhance the image and sustainability of the fishing industry in the country

urging the government. to use its jurisdictions to end the closing of the season and to convene the Stakeholder Engagement involving the Department to develop an amicable solution.

I am in effect from August 7 to September 4 2018 where the fishermen will be ashore on September 5, 2018.

 Kid seen in red Kid seen in red

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