Google is known to overlap multiple apps at once – just look at its messaging strategy. While Google Wifi and Nest Wifi have a dedicated app for controlling and monitoring your network equipment from your phone, the Google Home app has steadily acquired similar functionality over the past few months. It appears that was part of the company’s intentions, as you will now have to use the Home app to configure and customize your Wi-Fi routers.

Although the dedicated Wifi application does not turn off immediately, from May 25, it will go into read-only mode. If you want to set up a new router, add an access point, or change any of your network preferences, you’ll need to migrate to Google Home. The app will be permanently removed from the Play Store in June.

Google directly cites smart home growth as the reason for the move. The Home app now controls almost all gadgets made by the company. Creating specific software just for network equipment seems redundant.

To learn how to switch from your Wi-Fi network to its new app, visit the Google support forums. You can grab Google Home from the Play Store or download the latest version from APK Mirror.

It’s dead, Jim

After a promise to deregister the application in June, the old dedicated Google Wifi application has finally disappeared from the Play Store. Of course, if you’ve downloaded the app before, you’ll still see it in the list if you’re signed into your account. Its APK is also available on APK Mirror, but since the app is currently in read-only mode, that won’t do you much good.

This delisting is part of a move to make the Google Home app the central hub for all your smart home equipment. For example, all of the new Nest products announced this morning are set up and managed using the Home app. Consolidating all of your smart home apps into one service is probably best. Not only does this limit the number of utilities installed on your phone, it also allows development to be focused on a single application.

Google home
Google home