‘Graphic’ advertisement for vaccine sparks backlash


An Australian advertisement for a vaccine sparked backlash, with many criticizing its graphic depiction of a young woman suffering from Covid.

The government ad shows the woman in a hospital bed breathless as she is hooked up to a ventilator.

Text reads: “Covid-19 Can Affect Anyone … Book Your Vaccination.”

But critics say the ad unfairly targets young people, given that those under 40 will only be able to access vaccines at the end of the year.

Official health advice also recommends that young people wait for a Pfizer jab instead of the available AstraZeneca jab. Australia lacks Pfizer supplies.

The ad is currently only running in Sydney, which is in the grip of a Delta variant outbreak and is in its third week of lockdown.

Authorities reported 112 new cases on Monday, bringing the total to more than 700 cases since the strain first appeared in mid-June.

The publication of the ad is part of a larger “Arm Yourself” vaccination campaign that was launched on Sunday.

“Completely offensive to run an ad like this while Australians in this age group are still waiting for their shots,” broadcaster Hugh Riminton tweeted.

“Why are we targeting young people? Should we not be targeting the increasing rate of vaccine hesitancy among those over 55? another Twitter user said.

Others, including medical professionals, have called for the clip to be taken off the air, calling it “insensitive.”

But the government defended the announcement.

Australia’s Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly said it was “meant to be graphic” to “get the message home” about the need to stay home, to get tested and reserve vaccines.

“We are only doing this because of the situation in Sydney,” he said.

Authorities in Australia’s largest city recorded the first death from the epidemic – the first Covid death contracted locally in the country all year round on Sunday.

The Sydney wave sparked widespread criticism of the federal government’s rollout of the vaccine. It started in February but has been held back by a lack of supply of Pfizer vaccines, public complacency and confused public health messages about AstraZeneca’s risks.

Just over 10% of the population has been fully immunized.

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