Group of 500 San Francisco bars deciding to require proof of vaccination before entry


Due to an increase in COVID-19 cases driven by the highly contagious delta variant, a group of more than 500 San Francisco bar owners are considering requiring vaccine cards for entry into bars from their members across town just as new mask recommendations arrived in the Bay Area.

The trip to check for vaccinations at the entrances to bars in the San Francisco Bar Owner Alliance would be on a voluntary basis, but Ben Bleiman – the head of the San Francisco Bar Owner Alliance – said the alliance could issue a statement of the group of 500 members. recommend that only vaccinated customers be allowed entry, a decision that would include accompanying signage outside participating bars.

“I didn’t know anyone who was [requiring vaccine cards at first], only the strictest people, “Bleiman said.” Over the past 24 hours, I’ve seen a lot of people change their minds. So I think we’re in the middle of a big flow. “

While the alliance is unlikely to make a formal decision until next week at the earliest, some alliance members are already starting to participate: The Vesuvio Cafe in North Beach made the decision on Tuesday to require proof of vaccination before the entrance, said owner Janet. Clyde.

“We just started it because it’s clear that there is only a segment of the population that is not vaccinated,” Clyde said. “And really until that sets in, I think it’s definitely safer for our staff and our customers if we restrict indoors to people who have proof of vaccination.”

Guests are required to present a photo or QR code showing proof of vaccination before entering Vesuvius. Clyde said she was looking to take a proactive stance by requiring vaccinations for clients, rather than waiting for government mask warrants. Citing the mask requirements in Los Angeles, Clyde said it was important to “get ahead” and people will be understanding.

“We have had a few employees who have tested positive and we want to protect our staff and I think we really can’t wait. [local government] to develop general guidelines at this point, ”said Clyde, who noted that both cases were groundbreaking COVID cases. “I mean, this is a situation happening now. “

Bleiman is also making the switch with his own bars, he said, which includes Teeth, Tonic and Soda Popinski’s. “If, you know, 50, 100, 200 bars want to put up a sign that says ‘you have to be vaccinated to get in’, I think that will have an impact,” Bleiman said.

Bleiman says he has heard similar stories of groundbreaking cases in other bars in San Francisco. He echoed Clyde’s assertion that bar owners should get ahead of any potential increases to protect staff and businesses.

“I think it would be very smart to move forward and I think our survival will be based on making people feel safe in our facility,” Bleiman said. “What if we can put a line in the sand – and again we [as an alliance] I haven’t done that yet – but I think there is potential if we put a line in the sand to get ahead and make our customers feel more secure, which means that we get back to normal faster [since] we are clearly not normal yet. “

Bleiman has expressed his support for the local government, but he does not want to wait for his advice before changing to demand vaccination cards.

“I think that [the San Francisco government is] I still hope our vaccination rates will hold up, but we anecdotally see a lot of people falling with mild to moderate cases of COVID, “Bleiman said.” I kind of see the writing on the wall and I think if we get ahead – and it’s not like we’re shutting down or anything, we’re just saying you have to have a vaccine.

“I also think that for some reason government everywhere – from federal to state to locals – has been so nice to people who won’t be getting vaccines and I think it needs to stop,” Bleiman continued. “We have to start playing hard with them, they’re a bunch of holes, and you can quote me on that. And I’m not talking about people who can’t get it. [the vaccine], I talk to people who can and choose not to. They are selfish and ignorant and they put us all in danger and prevent us all from recovering from it. And we need to stop treating them like they just don’t have the right information. The information is there, it doesn’t lie. And they have to stop thinking that they know more than scientific experts. “


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