Houston, Dr Joseph Varon kisses and comforts COVID-19 intensive care unit patient in viral photo


HOUSTON, Texas – A photo of a Houston doctor went viral after he was shown hugging and comforting a patient in the COVID-19 intensive care unit on Thanksgiving.

The photo of Dr. Joseph Varon and the patient was taken in intensive care at United Memorial Medical Center.

Health officials and city leaders have repeatedly called now that we are in the holiday season, people should stay away from crowded spaces, wear masks and wash their hands. They are also concerned that things will get worse.

“I truly believe the next six to 12 weeks will be the darkest weeks in modern American medical history,” Varon said.

Texas set a new record for cases the day before Thanksgiving.

Varon says the vacation was his 252nd consecutive workday.

“I have nurses who, in the middle of the day, cry because, you know, they keep having patients, and there just aren’t enough nurses who can help us,” Varon explained. .

With more than half of the United States registering record daily hospitalizations last week, significant restrictions are on the way.

A three-week home order begins Monday in Los Angeles. Restaurants there are already limited to take-out and delivery only.

As vaccine breakthroughs show hope on the horizon, considerable work is being done to prepare the supply chain.

For example, Pfizer’s vaccine should be stored at extremely cold temperatures, around 94 degrees below zero. This means that niche freezer companies like Stirling Ultracold have to dramatically increase production to meet demand.

“The two-dose scenario, 14 billion vaccines worldwide, which in itself is starting to add up,” said Stirling Ultracold CEO Dusty Tenney.

But more big vaccine news could come this week.

A panel of U.S. advisers will meet on Tuesday to vote on how initial supplies of a COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed once a vaccine has been approved.

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