How much coffee is too much? New study explores link between coffee and cardiovascular disease


On your fourth or fifth trip to purge the coffee machine from the office, you might find an interesting question (sorry): how much coffee is too much? A recent study from the University of South Australia has sought to study the impact of coffee consumption on cardiovascular disease and to determine this vital threshold after which it might be better to go to water. The researchers, Dr. Ang Zhou and Professor Elina Hyppönen, discovered that the limit was surprisingly high: keep your intake under six cups a day and your caffeine intake would probably not affect your heart health.

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers used data on 347,077 people aged 37 to 73, extracted from the British biobank. They also examined the caffeine metabolizer CYP1A2, which allows carriers to treat caffeine four times faster than non-carriers, to determine if those with the gene could drink more caffeine at a higher rate. without any negative impact on health.

Scientists discovered that after six coffees, caffeine consumption increased the risk of hypertension, which could lead to heart disease. In fact, drinking more than six cups of coffee a day could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 22%, they discovered. The study found that people with the caffeine metabolizing gene could no longer drink and avoid health risks.

Lyuba Burakova / Stocksy

Professor Hyppönen said in a press release: "Most people would agree that if you drink a lot of coffee, you might feel nervous, irritable or even nauseous – that's because the Caffeine helps your body work faster and harder, but suggests that you may have reached your limit for now. "

"We also know that the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with high blood pressure, a known consequence of excessive caffeine consumption," added Professor Hyppönen. "In order to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure, people must limit their coffee to less than six cups a day – according to our data, the tipping point was the tipping point where caffeine began to negatively affect cardiovascular risk . "

Other studies have shown that moderate consumption of coffee can have beneficial effects on health. A study conducted in 2017 by the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh, led by Dr. Robin Poole and published in the BMJ, found that three to four cups a day are "more likely to promote health than to harm".

In comparison with non-drinkers, those who drank three cups saw the greatest reduction in the risk of all-cause death as well as heart disease, as well as a lower risk of prostate cancer, skin, endometrium and liver. Coffee drinkers were also less exposed to type 2 diabetes, gout, gallstones and liver disease.

Jovo Jovanovic / Stocksy

Coffee can also have beneficial effects on mental health, as Stacy Lu wrote in the American Psychological Association. gradPsych magazine. It "measurably boosts cognitive performance," Lu wrote, while studies have shown an association between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of depression and cognitive decline.

However, Lu added, "Five cups of coffee and more can cause a worsening of symptoms, including anxiety, agitation, headaches, discourse discomfort and excitement," while caffeine consumption may also worsen "symptoms of Anxiety and panic disorder. Plus, drinking coffee until six o'clock before going to sleep can impact your circadian rhythm and reduce the duration and quality of your sleep.

Moderate coffee consumption can have a positive impact on your health – and "moderate" consumption actually consumes a few more cups than expected. If you suffer from anxiety or panic disorder, or have trouble sleeping enough? It might be helpful to reduce caffeine.


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